Diabetes Youth Care

DYC Monthly

Educating young warriors on how to manage themselves as well as their guardians/caretakers.

Monthly support group meetings are organized by Diabetes Youth Care once every month in the Western, Central, Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions respectively. The main aim of the support group meeting is to educate the young warriors on how to manage themselves as well as their guardians or caretakers. During the monthly support group meetings, all young warriors / diabetics come together at their meeting point where they share their stories, ask questions, learn and interact with each other and other health professionals present at the meeting.

At the various meetings in each Region, the meeting is being conducted by Nurses, Doctors and Other Non-Health Professionals who are all volunteers of Diabetes Youth Care. During each monthly meeting, we invite Health Professionals who come to the meeting to teach the young diabetics based on the topic for the month. The ABCs of Diabetes, Foot Care, Diabetes and Diet Management, Insulin and Types of Diabetes, Basics of Diabetes, amongst others are the topics being discussed by our health professionals to the warriors. Psychologists also come for the meetings to talk to our young warriors especially the newly diagnosed patients as a means of encouragement and support. In a way of having fun during monthly meetings, DYC organizes quizzes with prizes, indoor games, amongst others as a means of entertaining them.

The Following Are the Various Meetings Days and Venue for Each Region;

Western Region

2nd Saturday of every month

Central Region

1st Saturday of every month

Greater Accra Region

2nd Sunday of every month

Ashanti Region

2nd Saturday of every month

Upper West Region

1st Saturday of every month

Volta Region

4th Sunday of every month