Eyes on Diabetes was a two (2) days camp organized...
Young people
living with diabetes
Sharing stories on
diabetes management
Volunteering to
Dieting and
diabetes management
Diabetes education and medical support group to improve the quality of life of young people and families affected by diabetes. Our support is to encourage personal growth, knowledge acquisition and independence among young people living with diabetes;
bridging the age differences and cultural barriers towards an effective and efficient access to chronic disease management. We have been caring for one since 2012.
People live with
diabetes in Ghana
People reached with
Diabetes awareness
Young people living with
diabetes in our care
Your donations will go a long way to support us with our medical supplies, printing of our educational
materials and activities. You may please donate through the account below.
Eyes on Diabetes was a two (2) days camp organized...
Diabetes Youth Care organized its second (2nd) annual camp for...
Camp Aya was the fourth camp organized in the year...
Join the team of lovers who by their will and actions are causing positive change in the lives of young
people living with Diabetes. Become a volunteer today and let us save lives.
I was 14 years when I was diagnosed with T1 Diabetes. I was very miserable at the time because my physique changed and people kept staring. DYC and my immediate family has supported me to take great care of myself and currently pursuing my dreams job as a fashion designer. #DiabetesWontStopMe
My journey with Diabetes with it’s ups and downs started at age 14 because my bad eating habit was very difficult to overcome. My family has been there for me and I have gotten a bigger family with DYC. My understanding of diabetes has improved with DYC and I cannot wait to finish Nursing School and train as a Public Health Nurse. #T1DiabetesWarrior.
At age 12 I was diagnosed of T1 Diabetes. It came as a shock to me considering the fact that I was going to inject myself from that day onward. Apart from my close family who have treaeted me very well, DYC has been a great support and a great family who knows exactly what I am going through. #DiabetesWontStopMe!