T1D Warriors – Strong!

December, 2023
Diabetes Youth Care annual camp name for the year 2023 was “Camp Tua”. Tua means Baobab Tree in a native language in the northern part of Ghana. The tree represents growth, strength, longevity and resilience. We chose this because we believe our warriors are strong and can face anything despite the fact that they have diabetes. We see them grow in so much knowledge every single day! It’s so amazing how they learn so much more when we all meet like this.
At the camp, we had 10 different groups which were named different trees in Ghana and all warriors were asked to research how the trees assigned to them have an impact on their lives as diabetics, we had our executives and some warriors as panellists as they interacted with everyone and answered questions they were asked.
November, 2022
Diabetes Youth Care celebrated its 10 Years Anniversary during this camp with the theme, Inspired to give back.
Team names given to our warriors were based on our local Adinkra Symbols to help them capture the essence of their amazing spirits. So many fun activities went on as warriors learnt a lot through education and entertainment.
21th November, 2019
Camp Aya was the fourth camp organized in the year 2019 and was also organized by Diabetes Youth Care in partnership with the Sonia Nabeta Foundation (SNF) a Ugandan non-governmental organization which seeks to care for young ones living with diabetes. Aya as the theme was is an Akan symbol which means “fern”.
Camp Aya was organized for three days (3) at the cape coast Teacher’s Hall (GNAT Hall) which had about 70 warriors and medics and non-medics with some of the board of DYC representing. The camp also hosted counselors and warriors from Uganda who also lodged at the camping grounds.
This camp, had new warriors joining and from various regions including the eastern region. Camp Aya was more of educational camp throughout the 3 days of which the last day was used for games and entertainment at the university of cape coast halls park. Warriors had the opportunity to exercise, play outdoor games, amongst others.
All four camps being organized were free and no warrior or volunteer paid for participating as well as all the basic needs and the medical supplies that were being given out.
However, 2020 diabetes youth care couldn’t hold its annual camp due to the current covid-19 situation but will celebrate the day (WDD) in a virtual way.
22nd November, 2018
In the year 2018, the annual camp was organized by Diabetes Youth Care in partnership with Sonia Nabeta Foundation (SNF), a non- Ugandan based non-governmental organization. The partnership was done to host an education and wellness camp for all young diabetics across the country.
It was a three (3) days camp which started on the 22nd of November to the 25th of November and it was organized in Accra at the Presbyterian Boys Senior High School. The camp was called “Camp Pamoja” of which the word Pamoja is a Swahili word meaning “togetherness”. The Sonia Nabeta Foundation came along with 10 other warriors from different African countries who also lodged at the same camping grounds. A 3 days’ advocacy training was organized with the 10 warriors and 3 selected warriors from Diabetes Youth Care, Ghana before the camp begun.
We had 100 warriors from various regions in Ghana (Western, Central, Greater Accra, Ashanti and Volta) and volunteers and team members of DYC and Sonia Nabeta Foundation representing at the camp and to see that all activities fall in place. Both volunteers and warriors lodged at the same place. Medics took care of monitoring the health of all warriors with the executives of DYC assisting.
Health talk sections were done, there was entertainment night and a view to the Legon Gardens where the young warriors had fun. Free medical supplies (insulin, insulin syringe, strips) were given to all before departure accompanied by volunteers and DYC executives.
17th November, 2017
Diabetes Youth Care organized its second (2nd) annual camp for 2 days in the Central Region of Ghana (Cape Coast) at the Teachers Hall (GNAT Hall). About a total of 100 warriors and volunteers reported at the camping grounds who lodged in the rooms. Healthy Mind in A Healthy Body Was the Theme for the camp. All warriors gathered at the Teacher’s Hall for the educational sections for the camp where psychologist also came to speak to the warriors, had education on nutrition, had segments where they interact with other to share ideas. Just like the previous camp, all needs were being catered for by DYC with the help of our team (medics and non-medics). An excursion to Kakum National Park was organized for all as a means of entertainment. Free medical supplies were given to all warriors before leaving the camping grounds.
11th November, 2016
Eyes on Diabetes was a two (2) days camp organized by DYC in the Central Region of Ghana (Cape Coast) at the Teachers Hall normally called GNAT Hall. The GNAT Hall has various rooms that accommodated about 80 warriors from Western, Central, Greater Accra, Ashanti, And Volta Region with about 20 volunteers who also lodged at the venue. All warriors were accompanied by volunteers to the camping grounds and reported to the grounds before 6pm where all vital information were recorded by the help of our medical team and rooms shared by other volunteers. Throughout the camping period, DYC provided for all the needs of each person who reported at the camp.
There was free eye screening for all, an extensive discussion on diabetes and the eyes, and an excursion for the warriors to the Elmina Castle also in the Central Region of Ghana as a means of entertainment.
This first camp was a success and helped to the raise the image of DYC as we had sponsorships from different organization. Hence the subsequent camps.
Friends call me Kwame Larsh, 22 years of age and currently a student at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. I have been living with Diabetes for four years. I was diagnosed as diabetic in 2010 when I was 18years.
Way back in senior high school, it was during my third year, I began falling sick frequently and started losing weight. I also noticed I become frequently thirsty and hungry. I was passing a lot of urine. Within every thirty minutes, I will have to visit the urinal. At night I can wake up about eight to nine times to urinate. I lost weight drastically. My uniforms became very big for me. During class hours, I was always asking permission to visit the gents. Teachers and students began to wonder what was wrong with me. I remember during our mock exam, I will ask permission to go urinate within every thirty minutes, I am sure that at times the invigilators must have thought I was cheating.My body was always hot, I couldn’t feel my legs sometimes, was feeling thirsty all the time, feeling hungry within few hours and having restlessness all the time.
I was organizing a trip to Kakum National Park and Hans Cottage Botel in the Central Region during that vacation. So I was to meet the other organizers in town so I decided to go to the hospital and meet them later in the day. I went to the hospital and the unfortunate happened. I went to see the Doctor, told her the symptoms and she requested that my blood sugar level should be texted. The glucometer read 33.0mmol/l and I was diagnosed as having diabetes.
The doctor asked me to cancel my trip to the National Park, much to my dismay and to proceed on admission. She asked me to call my mummy. When she arrived, she went to see the Doctor and she came out with tears that made me very sad. I thought I was going to die soon at the sight of her actions. I went on admission for a week. I was discharged to go home but whenever it’s time for eating, I feel sad especially during breakfast. My siblings will be enjoying their meals and I will be enjoying mine with straight face because the food contained no sugar
I was asked to visit the hospital every 2 months. But anytime I do that, I become broken hearted because I will be in a queue with men and women and they will be asking questions like, whom did you bring to the hospital?, and when I replied I came to the hospital myself for my diabetes, their comments would break my heart. Their comments would be pity for me or they would say “We will pray for you, don’t worry”. They would also say “You are too young to have diabetes”, Diabetes makes us get strokes, blindness, erectile dysfunction, etc so many other things. It was torture to sit in the waiting room listening to the older ones discussing diabetes with pity towards me. I was so upset with the looks they gave me and was never happy to go to the hospital for review.
I never told any of my friends that I had diabetes, except a friend who was a nurse, she didn’t however believe that I could have diabetes and advised that I keep to a healthy diet.
When secondary school reopened, I was facing some few challenges on campus. I had to store my insulin at the school dispensary. Every morning, I had to visit the dispensary for my injection before classes starts. God saw me through till I completed. Fortunately, I got admission to enter the university after school. During my first year, I had no fridge so I had to store my insulin in other friends own.
Since none of my friends knew I had diabetes, when they saw me injecting my insulin, some assumed I had started injecting illegal drugs but later on they found out that I had diabetes.
I made up my mind after a few months to tell my best friend, it was one of the most difficult times ever, but looking back I am glad I did. I had to plan the best way that I could break the news to her without scaring her off. I initially told her I was ill, then after she began to pressure me about exactly what was wrong with me, I invited her to my room one day and injected my insulin in front of her and told her I had diabetes. She was shocked and surprised but it was easy for her to understand as she told me that her father was also living with diabetes and so she knew a little bit about the disease. Our friendship has become stronger and she understands my condition a lot more and is able to help me out. She is even able to inject me with insulin on days when I do not feel like it.
One day during my routine visit to the clinic I was introduced to Diabetes Youth Care (DYC). I had a long chat with the doctor and I agreed to join the group. Joining this group has been a blessing unto my life. It lifted my soul and gave me hope. I have been educated a lot through this group, have got to know a lot of young ones living with diabetes, and built my self-confidence.
I cannot wait to finish my education, I am aiming to be the executive director of the forestry commission in Ghana to maintain our natural forests and provide an alternative source of livelihood to people who may be utilizing the forests for their source of living and may be destroying it. I also want to make sure that transactions which are done for cutting down the trees are legal and the trees cut down are replaced.
I do not see my having diabetes as a limiting factor!
Joining Diabetes Youth Care has made think about this even more and DYC is a blessing unto my life. LONG LIVE DYC
I was 15 years when the doctor diagnosed me as having diabetes, now I am 23 years old. I can’t believe it but I have been living with diabetes for the past 8 years. Pardon me guys, Emmanuel K is my name and a Ghanaian from Tarkwa in the Western Region currently residing in the capital city of Accra.
As I indicated it started 8 years ago when I would urinate a lot within few minute especially at night. My mum has diabetes noticed that and suspected it. One day she followed me to the bathroom and became scared when her suspicion was confirmed by the presence of ant in the water closet after I had urinated many times. She then insisted I go for a medical check up to clear her suspicions which I did. I was scared and went to the hospital the next morning. At the hospital I was asked to go for a laboratory test FBS [fasting blood sugar]. My blood glucose level was 21mmol/l confirmed my mother’s worst fears then I was told I had diabetes.
Being that young ie 15 years, the doctor in charge told me it might just be a temporal problem e.g. acute pancreatitis, so I should try dietary management to help reduce the levels of blood sugar after initial stabilization, so I was asked to see a dietician.
Dietary management wasn’t helping because my glucose level kept rising which led to my admission at the hospital. It was there I was told to use insulin and have been using it since.
In senior high school, at the boarding house, I had very little idea on how to store my insulin, so I would go to school without it and opted for dietary management which unfortunately didn’t help much. Because I was urinating a lot especially during examination when I had to sit down for more than an hour. I was once called to the teachers’ staffroom on suspicion of exams malpractices as I was going to the bathroom every 15 minutes). I told no one about my diabetes. I was so reserved and felt sad because of diabetes and especially when my friends would come together to have a “bowl of rich gari soakings (dry grated cassava with milk, sugar, chocolate powder and water) with “hy3mema” biscuit which was my favourite. I had to opt for a sugar free ‘
version of the gari soakings and since I did not want anyone to know it was sugar free, I did not share the food. So my friends thought that I was selfish and did not want to share my food. I could not explain myself to them since I had decided to keep it as a secret.
During my first semester at the university, I had friends and roommates who were literally scared of me because, they saw me injecting insulin and assumed it was some kind of hard drug. At times they would come along with other friends just to show them I took hard drug. I still did not tell them that I had diabetes, however they got used to me injecting routinely but still had same idea. My friends and I adopted a habit of cooking and eating together at a scheduled time suitable for me but however sometimes when they went out and came back late would have to eat without them so that my blood sugar does not go too low. It continued for some time so they got angry and that’s when I explained everything to them. I had to then tell them that I am living with diabetes. I am glad I told them finally, because if I forget to take my insulin they became my reminder.
I was introduced to Diabetes Youth Care by a very good doctor friend of mine Dr. Emily earlier this year (2014) and I am so happy I joined this group. I have been given a lot of education and support and this has created the opportunity for me to meet a lot of people and make a lot of friends who are caring, friendly, understand what I go through daily and always there for me. I can now come out and say in public that I have diabetes and I am living well with it. Diabetes is not going to limit me in any ways of my achieving a lifelong dream of becoming an engineer.
I will urge everyone especially young ones like me, living with diabetes to be bold and informed, to tell and educated friends and family about diabetes. The problem is not with US but our PANCREAS.
The future is bright for us living with diabetes in Ghana. Thanks to Diabetes Youth Care.
My friends call me Yaa. 25 years of age and I have been living with diabetes for 11 years. I was diagnosed as having diabetes when I was 14years.
It all started when I realized that I was passing lots of urine daily especially at night, would wake up extremely hungry, and was losing so much weight .I Was then in a boarding school (senior secondary school) so one day, I decided to go home and tell my parents about what I was going through. My mother is a nurse so I thought this would be the easiest step to take to solve my problems. When I got home my mother decided that I should have an early scheduled medical checkup due to the symptoms I had told her about. After the routine tests, the doctor said to my mother in my presence “your daughter Yaa has diabetes”. I knew nothing about diabetes then, so all I remember is seeing the shocked and devastated look on my mother’s face. Then she uttered these words “We don’t have diabetes in our familyâ€. I on the other hand knew nothing about what I was going to deal with for the rest of my life.
My parents are very helpful; mother being a nurse understood and did her best to educate me on the condition. As a teenager, I had difficulty understanding and accepting due to that I was advised to be withdrawn from the boarding house temporally. I would take soft drinks (soda, fizzy sugary drinks), eat chocolate with friends against doctors’ advice because I found it difficult accepting. This unfortunately always would result in me being admitted to the hospital on account of high blood glucose and I will miss classes in school. When I thought I was starting to get hold of things, finally accepting and allowed back into the boarding house, I had friends avoiding me because they heard I
had diabetes and thought it was contagious. Teachers would also avoid me and would literally run away when they saw me injecting my insulin at school. Those were the bad times, but then I say to myself now, those were obviously not my true friends. There are a few who stuck by me and till now remain my true friends.
I am privileged to have had a great Headmaster at my school who would sit down and have chats with me and encouraging me not to be disheartened despite the challenges that I was going through. I must admit he is one of the reasons I chose to study really hard and enter the nursing profession.
I have been a qualified nurse for more than a year now and working with so much happiness. I have also joined the Diabetes Youth Care support group and I must say I enjoy the privilege of having a 2 fold membership as a client and also as a health professional. I love this group as I meet other young ones who live with diabetes, we are able to discuss and share all our problems without fear of being judged. We spend time with medical professionals who answer all our nagging questions and have patience for us.
There are amazing people in the world who may be limited by various conditions they may be going through either physical chronic illness or other, but limitations are meant to be overcome and I am living proof of this daily.
I am looking forward to working with young people living with diabetes professionally by becoming a Diabetes Nurse Educator raising awareness and supporting young ones living with chronic diseases in Ghana.